Five simple words. Individually, they have separate meanings. The - definite article Word - A unit of language,...
Five simple words. Individually, they have separate meanings. The - definite article Word - A unit of language,...
The prophets of the Old Testament spoke some profound things. What they said shook the world enough to make kings...
Mary’s song often called "The Magnificat" is a beautiful song of praise. It serves as a reminder to each of us that...
For many, Luke 2 is a familiar passage read in homes on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It is the beautiful account of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There is so much Luke's account doesn't include. Why did they actually have to go to Bethlehem? Was the...
Missionaries often use the phrase, "persons of peace." It is a refernce to a person they encounter in a neighborhood or city who has friends or family who might be open to the gospel. In the beginning of Isaiah 40, we find the Lord revealing that one day the Person...
There are days and even seasons when I get overwhelmed thinking everything depends on me. If I'm not careful, my physical, emotional and spiritual tank gets drained. Hope begins to wane. I fail to see not only what's next but the joy of the moment. My flesh wants...
In Luke 1, we find Zechariah and Elizabeth. Both of them have been praying for a child for decades. Both of them disapppointed because God had not yet answered their prayer. Like many, maybe they thought like St. Augstine. "Pray as if God will take care of all; act...
Have you ever received news that something was on it's way, but then you had to wait. A few weeks ago, I made a warranty claim for a pair of sunglasses I purchased in 2015. The manufacturer claims a "limited lifetime warranty." I completed all the necessary steps...
As we prepare to honor our mothers this Sunday, I am eager to gather with our Salem family to worship Him! BONUS VIDEO......