Five simple words. Individually, they have separate meanings. The - definite article Word - A unit of language,...

Five simple words. Individually, they have separate meanings. The - definite article Word - A unit of language,...
The prophets of the Old Testament spoke some profound things. What they said shook the world enough to make kings...
Mary’s song often called "The Magnificat" is a beautiful song of praise. It serves as a reminder to each of us that...
We typically think of a callous as a hardening or thickening of the skin on the hand of someone. Most ofen on a person who works with their hands. They can also be found on the hands of someone who does the same athletic routine consistently like a golfer or a...
Have you ever considered the difference between happiness and joy? The distinctions are many. However, as we enter the week of Christmas we often sing the song "Joy to the World." What would it be like if the song we sang was, "Happy to the World"? Happiness is...
Luke 4 provides the account of Jesus returning to his hometown of Nazareth. It as His routine to go into the local synagogue and teach. On this particular day, Jesus opens the scroll and reads from Isaiah 61:1. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has...
I some might be thinking I have my holidays confused. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, not Christmas! The year 1809 was a very good year. Those alive at that time didn’t know it though. If you were living then you would have been focused on Napoleon...
As we approach the day we celebrate the birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord, what a precious opportunity we have to worship in this season. I cannot wait to worship with our church family this Sunday through the songs we sing in praise!BONUS VIDEO
I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad.Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:1-3 (ESV) There is a word in this...
Isaiah was a prophet of the Old Testament. He is best known for his prophecies from the Lord regarding the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 60:1-3 and Isaiah 61:1-3, we discover some of the prophetic pronouncements of Jesus birth. Isaiah 61:3 contains...
For many, Luke 2 is a familiar passage read in homes on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It is the beautiful account of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There is so much Luke's account doesn't include. Why did they actually have to go to Bethlehem? Was the...
Missionaries often use the phrase, "persons of peace." It is a refernce to a person they encounter in a neighborhood or city who has friends or family who might be open to the gospel. In the beginning of Isaiah 40, we find the Lord revealing that one day the Person...