Have you ever considered the difference between happiness and joy?  The distinctions are many. However, as we enter the week of Christmas we often sing the song “Joy to the World.”  What would it be like if the song we sang was, “Happy to the World”?

Happiness is external and tends to do with our circumstances.  I would even go as far to say that happiness is something that happens to us.  We have no control over circumstances that make us happy.  They happen or they don’t.  On Saturdays in the Fall, one football team wins and the team and their fans are happy.  While the team that loses is not so happy.

Joy is an inner peace.  Joy has nothing to do with what happens to us.  Joy has nothing to do with personal gain.  True joy comes from the Lord!

Paul writes in Galatians 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,…”

In Isaiah 12:1-16, the Lord speaking through Isaiah is continuing His prophecy of the Messiah.  Twice in this passage, Isaiah 12:3, 6, Isaiah mentions joy.  First, the joy that comes from salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Second, the joy that fills our hearts with song as we praise Him for who He is.

If you are a follower of Jesus, this may not be a happy time of year for you for various reasons.  But we are called to be people of joy.  Let the joy of Jesus permeate your soul!

Joy to the world!