Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. - Proverbs 17:6 Prior to 2021, I...

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. - Proverbs 17:6 Prior to 2021, I...
The past few weeks throughout our church and community, many people are hurting. They are hurting from the passing of...
"Friend" is one of the greatest words in the English language. Regardless of wealth or fame or beauty, if our...
While we were recently out of town, I had some time to reflect on the amazing friendships I have in my life. Genuine friendship is uncommon. A genuine friend is in your corner when you're cornered. A real friend sees you through when everybody else sees you're...
Here are the most clicked posts of 2020 on A Heart of Generosity | 215 Clicks | In recent days, I have been reminded about generosity. Not because the Thanksgiving and Christmas season is quickly approaching. I found an interesting study...
We live in an age of uncertainty. Uncertainty about the economy. Uncertainty about the election. Uncertainty about COVID-19. These uncertainties come and go and change over time. One thing is for certain, often times we wonder whether someone is telling the truth...
We all have times when we become angry. At times, it is warranted. Other times it is not. A poll published in June 2019 on (READ IT HERE), revealed that 84% of those surveyed feel the people in America are angrier now than a year ago. And 42% feel that...
How forgiving are you? In an article posted by the Huffington Post, Whitney Jones shared that 62% of Americans desire more forgiveness. However, in the same study, 60% believe that forgiveness is conditional on the offender apologizing and making changes. On the...
I have a confession. I am a hoarder. Not a hoarder like those who might find themselves on a reality TV show. But I have a tendency to hang on to things rather than discard it. Every once in a while, with my wife's motivation, I realize the need to purge. Recently, I...
Do you enjoy conflict? There are two types of people when it comes to conflict. Those who live for it and those who avoid it at all cost. And therein lies the difficulty. Many think that hard conversations are anything but peaceful. The person who lives for it ...
This article was originally posted April 26, 2018.1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and growing healthy in love within our marriages. The reality is often times we are least patient with the person closest to us. In 1 Corinthians 13:4, Paul writes "Love is patient..." The word...
Last evening, we hosted our second annual Friendsgiving dinner. Not having family live within a realistic driving distance, last year we decided to begin hosting a Friendsgiving dinner primarily for those who do not have family in town. Here's a picture of our crew...