Journey to the Cross | Day 5 | April 9, 2020 Jesus Bears His Cross & Helped by Simon the Cyrenian Read John 19: 6:...

Journey to the Cross | Day 5 | April 9, 2020 Jesus Bears His Cross & Helped by Simon the Cyrenian Read John 19: 6:...
Journey to the Cross | Day 4 | April 8, 2020 Jesus is beaten and mocked Read John 19:1-3 Then Pilate took Jesus and...
Journey to the Cross | Day 3 | April 7, 2020 He Never Fails | The Betrayal of Judas Read: Mark 14:43-46 I love to...
Journey to the Cross | Day 2 | April 6, 2020 Denial | the Believer’s Worse Nightmare Read: Matthew 26:69-75 One of the most poignant of all the stories in Holy Week is that of the denial of Simon Peter. It is also one of the occasions that is documented in all four of...
Journey to the Cross | Day 1 | April 5, 2020 I Surrender All | The Garden of Gethsemane READ | Mathew 26:36-41 | Mark 14:32-42 | Luke 22:40-46 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse...