Recently, I have been reminded that there are seasons in life when everyone feels stuck. Sometimes people feel stuck in their jobs. Sometimes people feel stuck in their finances. Sometimes people feel stuck in their marriage. People can become spiritually stuck. Everyone hof us can relate to those seasons of life.

Maybe you are close to someone who finds themselves in a tight spot.   We want to help. However, we either don’t know how or exactly where to start.

Here are 6 tips for helping friends who are stuck.

#1. Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Before giving counsel to anyone, I must pray specifically with them. However, I especially must ensure my soul is prepared through pray that any counsel I may offer would be according to the Spirit and not based upon my opinion.

#2 Be quick to listen. (James 1:19)
When my soul is prepared, the Holy Spirit empowers me to take a step back and listen for their hurt, their struggle, the barrier that has created their stuck situation.

#3 Discern where they are. (Romans 12:2)
As my soul is prepared through prayer and I have a heart that is listening, I am in a place where I can better discern what they are walking through in their life. What is their state of mind? Where is their heart? Have they allowed a person or a thing to become and idol in their life and that is why they are stuck? Do they have a destructive pattern of behavior that has caused it? In order to discern where they are one must ask penetrating questions.

#4 Be sensitive. (Proverbs 3:4-6)
I cannot emphasize enough the insight that comes from the Spirit of God as I lean not on my own understanding but upon His. There are times when the Spirit of God will lead me to be silent. There are times when He calls me to make bold statements or to confront.

I typically take notes when I am counseling or even talking with people about their situation. As I do, I continually pray and ask God for wisdom and whether or not to share certain observations I have made.

#5 Encourage. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Most people who are stuck know they are stuck. Allow God to use you as an encourager. It might be that they need to know that someone is “in their corner” fighting for them.

Note: There are times when people are blinded to the fact that they are stuck. Be discerning of where they are and be sensitive to what the Lord would have you do.

#6 Point them to Scripture.
Our responsibility in counseling others is not to force them to make choices. We must point them to the Scriptures and allow the Spirit of God room to work in their lives.

What am I missing?  What other tips can you offer when helping people you are stuck spiritually?