1. Siderodromophobia is the fear of trains.
  2. A newborn baby breathes five times faster than an adult man.
  3. The paper bag was invented in 1867 by Luther Crowell.
  4. The first pedal bicycle was built in Scotland in 1839 by Kirkpatrick Macmllan.
  5. Napoleon, the famous French general, was not French.
  6. Italy has over 200,000 coffee bars and growing.
  7. A person cannot sneeze with their eyes open.
  8. A horse can sleep standing up.
  9. One-fourth of the worlds population lives on less than $200 per year.
  10. “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letter “mt.”

On this day in history…
1865 – Abraham Lincoln is reelected during the first wartime election in the U.S.
1889 – Montana becomes the 41st state of the Union
1900 – Margaret Mitchell, author of “Gone with the Wind,” is born
1904 – Theodore Roosevelt is elected president of the U.S.
1932 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected the 32nd president of the U.S.
1951 – Yankees catcher, Yogi Berra, is the AL MVP
1960 – John F Kennedy is elected president