There is something special that happens when people gather to worship Jesus! This Sunday will be a special time of...

There is something special that happens when people gather to worship Jesus! This Sunday will be a special time of...
What a humble joy it is to worship Jesus for who He is and what He has done! This Sunday, we will gather as a church...
There are moments when God's movement within a time of worship is unmistakeable. He did just that last Sunday as our...
As I have shared in a previous post, we are in the midst of 40 Days of Prayer as a church family. Today, we are praying specifically for the worship ministry of Salem. I am personally grateful how this ministry leads our church family every week to sing praises to...
There is something special that happens when believers of Jesus gather together to worship Him for who He is and what He is doing. I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to worship with our church family this Sunday as we sing these songs in worship! bonus video
I was reflecting this week on the activity of God in our midst at within our church family. As I was reading this week, I was reminded of the hope that comes from worshipping togehter. Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the...
There is something special that happens with followers of Jesus gather together to worship Him for who He is and what He is doing. I am looking forward to gathering with our church family this Sunday to sing these songs in worship of the King of kings!
This time of year lends itself to reflection. As 2019 draws to a close and we prepare the final Sunday of the year, I think about all the Lord has done in our midst as our church family has gathered to worship Jesus. I cannot wait to see His future He has for us in...
It is hard to imagine we are a week away from Christmas Day! I love this time of year and the songs of the season as we celebrate the Savior's birth. I am eagerly anticipating worshipping with our church family this Sunday. Here are the songs we will sing this...
As we are now fully immersed in the season of Christmas, I have been reminded this week of the wonder surrounding the birth of Jesus. I am looking forward to worshipping with our church family this Sunday through many of the great songs of the season. Songs I'm...
As we enter the Christmas season, every where we turn the sounds and songs of Christmas fill the air. I cannot wait to worship Jesus together this Sunday at Salem! This week, thousands of Southern Baptists, are praying for the Good News to go throughout the world...
What an incredible week it has already been! Many will gather today and through the weekend with family and friends. It will provide us with an opportunty to express gratitude for who God is and what He continues to do in our lives. I am eager to worship Jesus with...