Last Sunday, we began a new series of messages entitled, "The Coming of the King." We are taking a deeper look at the...

Dec 3, 2019 | Church Life, Faith, Message Series
Last Sunday, we began a new series of messages entitled, "The Coming of the King." We are taking a deeper look at the...
Apr 15, 2019 | Church Life, Faith, Message Series
The past few weeks at Salem, we have been exploring the Hope we have in Christ. All throughout the Old Testament and...
Mar 5, 2019 | Faith, Life, Message Series
This past weekend at Salem, we explored an "old sin" of Abraham that resurfaced (see Genesis 12:10-20 and Genesis...
Feb 25, 2019 | Faith, Message Series
In Genesis 18:9-15, the Lord reminds Abraham of His promise that he and Sarah would have a son. The original promise came twenty-four years prior to this encounter. I am sure that after all that time there were moments and seasons, where Abraham felt that the Lord had...
Feb 18, 2019 | Faith, Message Series
In Genesis 17 we find a life-altering encounter that Abram has with God. In this passage, He comes to Abram and reminds him of His covenant. A promise the Lord made to Abram that he would be the father of many nations (peoples). In Genesis 17:1-6, the Lord reminds...
Feb 7, 2019 | Faith, Message Series
Monday I shared some challenges we face when we step out in faith (read more). The amazing news is that when God calls us to step out in faith and we take that step, we are not alone. In the midst of Abram's faith struggle, the Lord reminds Abram of who He is and what...
Feb 4, 2019 | Faith, Life, Message Series
Have you ever been skydiving? I haven't had the opportunity yet. However, I did experience indoor skydiving several years ago. It looks easy. The instructors brief the group on the basic techniques and hand signs to communicate adjustments needed as you dive. My bride...
Jan 28, 2019 | Faith, Message Series
Last week, I shared three reasons from Genesis 12:8-13:4 why our faith falters (Read It Here). I wanted to share today some practical steps to take to recover when our faith falters. Regardless of age, race, income, marital status, etc., there will come a day when we...
Jan 14, 2019 | Church Life, Faith, Message Series
Have you ever settled? According to Acts 7:2-4, God came to Abram when he was younger. But in Genesis 11:31-32, we find Abram stuck in partial obedience. He was obedient but with reservation. Abram was on his way to the Promised Land, the land of Canaan. Things are...
Jan 8, 2018 | Faith, Message Series
Ever asked yourself why is this happening to me? You pray and pray and pray and pray and life still doesn't work out like you wanted? I am fully convinced that God always hears and answers every prayer we pray. However, he doesn't always answer them in the way we...
Jan 2, 2018 | Faith, Message Series
How was 2017? Hopefully there has been time to take an inventory from last year. Have you considered all of the experiences that took place in 2017 no one could have expected? There are some who never could have dreamed the new and exciting things they experienced...