Regardless of where we are in our faith journey, there are days and chapters and seasons of our lives when our faith...

Regardless of where we are in our faith journey, there are days and chapters and seasons of our lives when our faith...
Have you ever found yourself in a place where you wanted to pray but you simply didn't know what to pray? Maybe you...
toThis year as a church family we are reading through the Psalms. It is unique in many ways. It is the longest book...
At Salem, we are in a series entitled, "What Jesus Wants." A couple of weeks ago, we explored Psalm 19:7-14 and the realtiy that Jesus Wants Me in the Word. One of the most encouraging yet challenging verses is at the end of Psalm 19. Let the words of my mouth and...
There are some lessons we learn once and remember for years to come - riding a bike, how to drive (well for some), etc. There are other lessons that take a lifetime to learn. In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus shares a familiar parable about a lesson that takes a lifetime...
There are times when we feel like there is no reward for living an honorable life. As a matter of fact, the Bible reveals that this is a reality that people have struggled with literally for centuries. Psalm 73 is one such passage where we see this at work. It was...
Has there ever been a moment or a season of life where it felt like the end? Like it was over? For some of us, the future is different today than it was last night or last week or last year. It feels like it's over because of the continued uncertainty of the...
Here are the most clicked posts of 2020 on A Heart of Generosity | 215 Clicks | In recent days, I have been reminded about generosity. Not because the Thanksgiving and Christmas season is quickly approaching. I found an interesting study...
Life continually changes, doesn't it? Just when we think we are in a rhythm we like and enjoy, something changes. Change can be financial, relational, emotional or spiritual. Change can be the result of something we have done or someone else has done or no fault of...
Eventually there will come a moment in life, when you don't know what to do. When life begins to slowly but surely spin out of control, how do you respond? For some, the future is different today than it was last night or last week or last month or last year. It's...
With 2019 drawing to a close, here are the most clicked posts on from this year.How to Help Hurting People | 412 ClicksThe past few weeks throughout our church and community, many people are hurting. They are hurting from the passing of...