It is always such a joy to gather to celebrate and worship Jesus with our Salem church family! This Sunday morning...

It is always such a joy to gather to celebrate and worship Jesus with our Salem church family! This Sunday morning...
We live in a unique time in history. I am convinced this is one of the greatest times to be alive. What a unique...
The Psalmist declares in Psalm 122:1, "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'" We...
There is something special that happens when followers of Jesus gather together to sing songs of worship to the Lord! I am looking forward to this Sunday at Salem. Here are the songs we sing for this Sunday, July 18, 2021.
There continues to be a sense of excitement every time our Salem family gathers for worship. I am already looking forward to the sings we sing together this Sunday! I pray these songs will prompt you to worship Him today!This Sunday evening we will gather for worship...
There is something special that happens when people gather to worship Jesus! This Sunday will be a special time of worship, prayer, and hearing from God's Word at Salem! Here are the songs we sing for this Sunday, February 21, 2021!
What a tremendous morning we experienced celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! I have been reflecting upon Easter Sunday at Salem for several days. I am still humbled by the fact that I am God's masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).I am deeply grateful for the dozens and...
WOW! I am still amazed, exhausted, and processing all that happened through our Vacation Bible School at Salem last week. VBS has been around... well, a REALLY long time. Our basic structure for VBS is relatively traditional. We hosted our VBS Monday thru Friday...