Today my bride and I are celebrating twenty-six years of marriage! WOW! It’s amazing to reflect on the journey God has led us. In honor of our anniversary, here are 26 random facts about our marriage, family, and ministry during the past twenty six years.

  1. We have one precious daughter who lives with her husband in Tallahassee, Florida.
  2. We lived in two apartments the first two years of our marriage.
  3. We have served churches in three states (Tennessee, Texas, Florida).
  4. We have had the opportunity to be a part of planting four other churches or campuses. Also four years ago we were called to serve as pastor of Salem.
  5. We have owned (or had a mortgage) and sold five homes.
  6. We have had the joy of serving in six different churches in various capacities during our marriage and ministry.
  7. Our daughter was seven years old when she placed her faith in Christ and I had the joy of baptizing her that year as well.
  8. Our daughter played club volleyball for eight years. What amazing memories of road trips for tournaments we shared together.
  9. Our daughter’s volleyball number was nine her last two years of high school.
  10. During year 10 of our marriage we were living in Gainesville, Florida, serving alongside some amazing college students through Westside Baptist Church.
  11. I will forever remember my wife cheering on our daughter during club volleyball season by saying, “Gooooo eleven!” Also eleven years ago we were called to serve as pastor of West Bradenton Baptist Church.
  12. Twelve represents the day of the month when we shared our vows and became husband and wife in 1993.
  13. Thirteen years ago someone gave us our adorable pug, Lulu.
  14. Fourteen years ago we were living in Austin, Texas, serving at Hyde Park Baptist Church.
  15. We celebrated fifteen years of marriage at a destination wedding for another couple on Ambergris Caye off the coast of Belize.
  16. We have owned sixteen vehicles during our twenty six years of marriage.
  17. In high school, I was number seventeen in baseball.
  18. Our daughter finished her first year of high school just prior to our eighteenth anniversary.
  19. I was nineteen when I met my wife for the first time.
  20. I was twenty when we were engaged.
  21. I was twenty one on our wedding day.
  22. My wife was twenty two on our wedding day.
  23. Nearly twenty three years ago our daughter was born.
  24. Twenty four years ago we bought our first home together on Crystal Brook Cove in Memphis, Tn.
  25. Twenty five years ago we were called to serve at Faith Baptist Church in Bartlett, Tennessee, as Minister of Youth & Recreation.
  26. On this day twenty six years ago she said “yes” and we began this amazing journey together! I cannot wait for the next twenty six years together.




Thank you for subscribing & following my blog! - Allen