I always look forward to Fridays. It typically means and evening and a Saturday for down time. But what are Fridays without a few fun facts?!

  1. The world’s most expensive spice is saffron.
  2. A person weighs less at the top of a mountain than at sea level.
  3. Nearly 1/3 of women in the U.S. color their hair.
  4. The five most frequently used letters in the English alphabet are, in order, E T A I S.
  5. On average there are eight peas in a pod.
  6. Listerine mouthwash can also be used as deodorant.
  7. Most left-handers draw figures facing to the right.
  8. Frostbite Falls, Minnesota was home to Rocky and Bullwinkle.
  9. Both gorillas and cats sleep about fourteen hours each day.
  10. A strawberry is the only fruit with its seeds on the outside.


  • 1929 – Vatican City becomes an independent state.
  • 1958 – Prince was born.
  • 1952 – Liam Neeson was born.
  • 1982 – Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley, in Memphis, Tennessee, was opened for tours.
  • 1986 – Bo Jackson was drafted by the Kansas City Royals.
  • 1966 – Ronald Reagan was nominated governor of California.