Bringing Radical Change

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.  Acts 20:24

Has Jesus Christ radically changed you and what you care about most?

One of the best examples of this radical change in values is the Apostle Paul.  In Acts 9, we find the account of this religious terrorist becoming a follower of Christ. He went from being a Christ hater to a Christ follower on a single road trip.  One radical change Paul experienced was in his understanding of what matters in life.  Through the work of God, Paul suddenly wanted his life to count only for that which would last.  Notice Paul’s new priority in life. “…if only I may finish the race and complete the task… of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”  

Once we follow Christ, the most important priority is telling others.  It is our responsibility to pass it on to others.  Someone told us and likewise, we must tell others the Good News about God.

Research conducted by LifeWay confirmed what churches have known for years — that the best way to get somebody new to attend church is to offer a personal invitation.

  • 67% of Americans say a personal invitation from a family member would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church.
  • 63% of Americans say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church.
  • 63% of Americans are very or somewhat willing to receive information about a local congregation or faith community from a family member.
  • 56% of Americans are very or somewhat willing to receive information about a local congregation or faith community from a friend or neighbor.

So, who will you invite to come celebrate Easter at Salem this year? To support your efforts, utilize the invite cards we have designed or the social media tools found on our Salem Facebook page.

Pray Today:

Spend a few moments writing the names of five friends, family members, etc. whom do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ or are far from Him.  As intimidating as it might be, begin praying daily that God would make the gospel clear to them and invite them to Easter @ Salem!